Actor-politician Vijay’s Tamizhaga Vetri Kazhagam (TVK) has added its voice to the growing chorus of political parties boycotting the upcoming Erode East assembly seat by-election, which is set to take place on February 5, 2025. The announcement of TVK’s boycott comes in the wake of similar decisions made by several prominent political parties, including the AIADMK, BJP, and DMDK, all of which have declared their intention to stay out of the by-polls.
TVK, a relatively new but influential party led by Vijay, had previously boycotted the Vikravandi by-election, and it reiterated its position in this latest instance. The party issued a statement explaining its stance, expressing strong concerns about the alleged misuse of power by the ruling government in Tamil Nadu. The party raised the issue of the ruling party's alleged tendency to use its influence to sway the results of by-elections, which TVK argues is more common in such elections compared to general elections. TVK General Secretary N Anand, in particular, drew attention to this issue, stating, “History has shown that the ruling governments in Tamil Nadu, without following democratic norms, have used their power to win by-elections.” This criticism of the ruling party’s tactics in bypolls highlights TVK’s disillusionment with what it perceives as the manipulation of the democratic process, which has led to the party’s decision to boycott the upcoming election.
As part of its broader political philosophy, TVK made it clear that it would not offer support to any party participating in the by-election. The statement emphasized that this decision is consistent with the party's earlier position during the Vikravandi bypolls, where it had refrained from endorsing any political faction. Moreover, TVK's leadership reiterated that their long-term focus is squarely on the 2026 Tamil Nadu assembly elections, which they regard as the next critical phase in their political journey. Vijay had earlier stated during the formation of TVK that his party would not contest any interim or by-elections. This strategy reflects the party’s desire to prepare for the future, avoiding distractions posed by the immediate, smaller-scale bypolls.
Despite the widespread boycott by these key political parties, the ruling DMK is determined to contest the Erode East by-election. The DMK, confident in its ability to retain the seat, has fielded VC Chandrakumar as its candidate for the upcoming election. VC Chandrakumar officially filed his nomination for the by-election, which is poised to be a significant political event in Tamil Nadu. The by-election comes in the wake of the passing of Congress leader EVKS Elangovan, who had held the Erode East seat until his death in December 2024. Elangovan’s death created a vacancy in the constituency, prompting the need for a by-election. The DMK is eager to maintain its hold on the seat, and Chandrakumar is seen as a strong candidate to carry the party's flag in this crucial contest.
The DMK's resolve to contest the election is firm, despite the boycott by several prominent political parties. The ruling party’s strategy is to assert its dominance in the region and secure the seat, maintaining its political influence in the state. On the other hand, the main contest for the seat is expected to be between the DMK and Seeman’s Naam Tamilar Katchi (NTK), another key player in Tamil Nadu’s political landscape. NTK, which has been gaining ground in the state, has entered the fray by fielding MK Seethalakshmi as its candidate. Seethalakshmi officially filed her nomination today alongside VC Chandrakumar, solidifying NTK's commitment to the by-election.
Despite the boycott by major parties like AIADMK, BJP, and DMDK, which has created a sense of political tension and division, the Erode East by-election remains a significant event. The political atmosphere surrounding the election is charged with anticipation, as the contest between the DMK and NTK is expected to be intense and closely contested. The outcome of this election could have broader implications, influencing the political landscape in Tamil Nadu ahead of the 2026 assembly elections. Both the DMK and NTK will be fiercely competing for the seat, each hoping to claim victory in what is expected to be a high-stakes race.
As the by-election approaches, all eyes are on the Erode East constituency, where the outcome will not only determine the future of the local political dynamics but also serve as a barometer for the state’s political climate in the years to come. The contest will reflect the political strength of the DMK and NTK, as well as the effectiveness of their respective strategies in an increasingly volatile political environment. The February 5 by-election is shaping up to be a highly significant event, and the stakes are higher than ever as both parties prepare for a hard-fought battle.