Allu Arjun, the beloved star of Pushpa 2, has once again captured the public’s attention, this time with a drastic change in his appearance. The actor, known for his larger-than-life persona as the fierce Pushparaj, surprised fans when he appeared at the Nampally court in a new, much more casual look. Sporting short hair and a trimmed beard, the drastic shift from his characteristic Pushpa look has gone viral, sparking widespread discussion across social media platforms. Fans and the media are buzzing with comments, expressing their curiosity and admiration for this unrecognizable transformation.
This appearance was linked to the actor’s ongoing legal matters. Allu Arjun has been granted regular bail by a Hyderabad court in connection with the tragic stampede that occurred during a special screening of Pushpa 2 at Sandhya Theatre. The incident, which took place on December 4, led to the heartbreaking death of 35-year-old Revathi, while her eight-year-old son was critically injured and is currently in the intensive care unit of a private hospital. The tragic loss of life has been a somber moment for both the fans and the family of the deceased, and the actor's involvement in the case has kept the incident in the news.
Allu Arjun has now been granted bail under specific conditions. He has been asked to furnish two sureties of Rs 50,000 each and abide by travel restrictions. The court has prohibited him from leaving the country without seeking prior approval, further emphasizing the gravity of the situation. Additionally, the actor is required to report to the local police station every Sunday to personally sign in as part of his bail terms. While the tragic events surrounding the screening continue to unfold, Allu Arjun's legal troubles have cast a shadow over the film’s successful run at the box office.
Despite the somber circumstances, Allu Arjun’s fans have continued to show their support, expressing sympathy for the victims of the stampede while also eagerly discussing his legal case and his newfound look. The incident has raised questions regarding the safety measures at film screenings and events, prompting ongoing investigations by authorities into how such a tragic situation could unfold in a public setting.
The Pushpa 2 screening incident is under intense scrutiny as the investigation progresses. The public and fans are eagerly awaiting more details, while the actor himself has remained relatively silent on the matter, focusing on his legal responsibilities.