Yograj Singh, the father of cricketing icon Yuvraj Singh, has once again made headlines with a series of sensational revelations during his appearance on the show Unfiltered with Samdish, hosted by Samdish Bhatia. Known for his candid and controversial remarks, Yograj did not hold back as he recounted incidents from his cricketing past, his grievances with former teammates, and his evolving views on some of the sport’s biggest names.
In a particularly shocking disclosure, Yograj alleged that he once went to the house of Kapil Dev with the intention of harming him after being dropped from the North Zone cricket team. Yograj stated that he believed Kapil’s actions were politically motivated and targeted him unfairly, leading to the abrupt end of his career. "When Kapil Dev became the captain of India, North Zone, and Haryana, he dropped me for no reason. My wife insisted that I confront him, but I was consumed with anger and wanted to teach him a lesson. I took my pistol and went to his house in Sector 9," he said. However, the encounter took a different turn when Kapil came out of the house with his mother. “I abused him a dozen times and told him, ‘Because of you, I have lost everything. I want to put a bullet through your head, but I will not do it because your pious mother is standing here.’”
Yograj explained that his frustration wasn’t limited to Kapil Dev alone. He accused other prominent players of the time, including the late Bishan Singh Bedi, of plotting against him because of his close friendship with Sunil Gavaskar and his decision to play domestic cricket in Mumbai. “Bishan Singh Bedi and others conspired to keep me out. When I was dropped, a selector told me that Bedi, who was the chief selector, didn’t want to pick me because I was seen as Gavaskar’s man. I never forgave Bedi for that betrayal. Even when he passed away, I couldn’t bring myself to forget what he had done.”
Yograj revealed how these events shaped his decision to step away from cricket entirely and focus on ensuring his son Yuvraj achieved the success he couldn’t. “That was the moment I decided I would not play cricket anymore. My son would play cricket and make a name for himself. I channelled all my energy into making sure Yuvi got the opportunities I was denied.”
In another striking anecdote, Yograj recalled the aftermath of India’s historic 2011 World Cup victory, where Yuvraj was named Player of the Tournament. He claimed that Kapil Dev was visibly emotional during the celebrations and that he sent Kapil a newspaper clipping with a pointed message: “My son did better than you in the World Cup.” Yograj even took a personal dig at Kapil, insinuating that he regretted not having a son of his own to carry forward his cricketing legacy.
Interestingly, the interview also saw Yograj softening his stance on MS Dhoni, a player he had previously criticized vehemently for allegedly cutting short Yuvraj’s international career. Praising Dhoni’s leadership qualities and fearless approach to the game, Yograj remarked, “Dhoni was a highly motivated captain who could read the game and guide his team effectively. I remember during a match in Australia, he was hit on the helmet by Mitchell Johnson. Most players would have been shaken, but Dhoni stood firm and smashed the very next ball for a six. There are very few people like him.”
This praise marks a stark contrast to Yograj’s earlier comments. In a fiery 2024 interview with Zee, he had vowed never to forgive Dhoni, accusing him of ruining Yuvraj’s career. “I won’t forgive MS Dhoni. He is a great cricketer, but what he did to my son is unforgivable,” he had said at the time. Yograj also claimed that Dhoni’s actions were part of a larger pattern of politics and favoritism that plagued Indian cricket.
Yograj’s fiery temperament and unfiltered opinions have long been a topic of debate, with many appreciating his honesty while others criticize his tendency to air personal grievances publicly. His allegations against Kapil Dev and Bishan Singh Bedi have reignited discussions about the internal politics of Indian cricket during the 1980s, an era often marked by intense rivalries and power struggles. Similarly, his shifting views on MS Dhoni reflect a more complex and nuanced perspective, acknowledging the former skipper’s greatness despite their past differences.
Even at 66, Yograj continues to coach budding cricketers, channeling his passion for the sport into mentoring the next generation. Despite the controversies surrounding his comments, he remains unapologetic about his fiery personality. “I have never forgiven anyone who has wronged me, and I have never hugged those people, even if they were family or my own children,” he reiterated during the interview.
Yograj Singh’s latest revelations have sparked a wave of reactions across the cricketing community, with some lauding him for his honesty and others questioning the motives behind his statements. As the dust settles on this latest chapter of cricketing drama, it remains clear that Yograj’s legacy, much like his personality, is both fiery and unforgettable.