In a significant military advance, India successfully tests a man-portable air defense system

India has successfully conducted three consecutive flight trials of the Very Short-Range Air Defence System (VSHORADS) at Chandipur, off the coast of Odisha, marking a significant advancement for the country's military capabilities. Developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), VSHORADS is an indigenously designed and man-portable air defence system. Its primary objective is to meet the air defence requirements of the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force.

During the trials, VSHORADS demonstrated its ability to target high-speed, low-altitude threats, specifically simulating drone attacks. The missiles successfully intercepted and destroyed these targets, which were designed to have reduced thermal signatures, mimicking the profile of low-flying drones. This success was achieved under varied flying conditions.

The tests, conducted in a final deployment configuration, involved two field operators performing weapon readiness, target acquisition, and missile firing. The data gathered from Telemetry, Electro-Optical Tracking Systems, and Radar confirmed the system’s precision and effectiveness in neutralizing aerial threats, including drones.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh congratulated the DRDO, the Indian Armed Forces, and industry partners for the successful test, calling it a "great success" and a key milestone in strengthening India's defence capabilities.

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